Does your practice share a customer service mindset?
We know great customer service when we see it. Enthusiastic, proactive, and caring experiences with companies and individuals. They provide comforts we didn\'t realize we wanted and solutions to...
Inspect what you Expect from your practice
In every business three things are happening: What the business ownerwants to happen. What the business owner thinks is happening. What isactually happening. So, how do you ensure that what you want...
OptiCall Webinar Recording: How Elegant Organization Can Help Your Practice
Thanks to everyone that tuned into OptiCall\\\'s webinar \"How Elegant Organization Can Help Your Practice\". We had a great turn out! Click here to download the recording of the webinar. Here are...
Achieving Your Practice Goals for 2013…
Now that we\\\'re firmly immensed in 2013, and the stress of the new year has begun to settle, it\\\'s time to take a realistic snapshot of where your business is today, and where you want it to be...
News and Views by OptiCall, Inc.
What Our Clients Are Seeing Traditionally ophthalmology practices see lower profit numbers in the summer months, especially in the elective surgery area. Why? Disposable income is allocated for...