3 Ways Practices Can Combat Inflation

[image src=\"\" align=\"\" caption=\"\" link=\"\" link_type=\"\" target=\"\" alt=\"\"]   Oof let\'s face it, we\'re all feeling the impact of inflation. The annual inflation rate for the United...

3 Ways to Drive Quality Leads

[image src=\"\" align=\"\" caption=\"\" link=\"\" link_type=\"\" target=\"\" alt=\"\"] \"I think we have enough quality leads\" - Said No Medical Practice Ever Every practice wants to drive quality...

2022 Medical Marketing Outlook

  Request Your Digital Copy OptiCall’s annual contains data from over 1 million phone calls and web responses to date. We analyze multiple marketing channels, from traditional to digital to...

2022 Medical Marketing Outlook

[image src=\"\" align=\"\" caption=\"\" link=\"\" link_type=\"\" target=\"\" alt=\"\"] 2021 felt a lot like 2020 with a significant amount of uncertainty and volatility. But despite the challenges,...